The Luxury Examiner


Editor’s Pick: Caudalie Premier Cru

As winter approaches one of the most common seasonal skin issues may begin to make an appearance: dry skin. As more homes and businesses pump up the heat and environmental humidity decreases, our skin is much more likely to suffer from redness, flaking, tightness, and complexion issues. During the winter one of the best products you can invest in is a good moisturizer, and the Premier Cru from Caudalie is one I can’t stop reaching for on my vanity! Made in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, this cream not only adds an intense boost of hydration but using patented biotechnology it also targets long-term skin issues and signs of aging. Viniferine, a compound found in grapevine sap, evens out the skin’s complexion and fights signs of aging as well. If you’re looking for a moisturizer to help beat winter dryness and maintain a glowing complexion, Caudalie’s Premier Cru is the “it moisturizer” you’ll never stop using. Caudalie Premier Cru ($119.00).

I am a biologist who obtained my undergraduate degree at Cornell University a focus on shark and insect biology. I spent the first two years of my undergrad studying human biology, on a premedical track which I have used to bolster my knowledge of the science behind how skincare works on an organismal level. Further I've studied multiple disciplines of chemistry including organic, general, and biological chemistry allowing me to make informed and data backed decisions about what skincare is the best in such a wide market. My other social media include Tik-Tok and Instagram both of which can be found @JC.Dombrowski